five inch select white oak in our kids' rooms


We’re six months in after closing on this house and boy does home take time. We’re starting with the upstairs which includes our kids three bedrooms, a hallway, two small bonus room spaces and one bathroom that we turned into two. The first thing we did after closing was remove the carpet everywhere in the house. We decided we would rather live on plywood subfloor for a while than move everything in onto the existing carpet.


The kids slept in their rooms for a few weeks when we moved in but we quickly moved them out into the bonus room so we could work on their rooms.


In addition to removing the carpet, we removed all the crown molding, trim, baseboard and wire closet shelving. We also added lighting to each of the kids’ bedrooms as there was NO ceiling lighting anywhere in their rooms when we moved in. We hired out skim coating the ceilings to get rid of the texture and changing out the 70s round ceiling vents to rectangle. After all the drywall patching, muding and sanding, we gave the walls a fresh coat of primer and then installed raw 5” select white oak flooring.


Each of our kids chose their own paint color for their rooms.


Then Tom got to work sanding those floors.


And then he finished them with a natural waterbased poly to get as close to raw natural white oak as we can.


There are so many benefits to water based polyurethane on hardwood floors but one of my favorites is that they can be walked on with sock feet four hours after the final coat.


One room down and about 100 more to go.

Jessica Dolan