12 questions to ask before hiring a contractor

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All photos within this post are our own work

As an owner of two home construction and design service-based businesses, The Hardwood Co and 2540 Love, and also a homeowner myself that has remodeled our own homes a time or two, I now know what to look for when hiring a contractor. I haven’t always followed my own rules and I’ve been burned. Don’t get burned. Read below.

  1. Check their google reviews! Do they even have google reviews? If so, how many and how good are they? No (or very little or bad) google reviews, no hire-y

2. Explore their website. Contractors who put time and effort into their business as a whole should have an updated, current, beautiful website. They should be proud of their work and have put a team in place to help them showcase it. Outdated, basic or no website at all is a red flag to politely choose another contractor. 

3. Check out their social media presence. Just like having an active website, they should also have an active social media presence. Instagram and Pinterest are my favorites to look for but they could be active on Facebook or YouTube, as well. And I don’t mean reposting a few memes or Merry Christmas graphics a few times a year, I mean are they actively creating new content of their own work? If they’re proud of their business (quality, work ethic, customer service and communication) and are putting themselves out there on social, you know where to find them. Hiding from social media could be hiding from unhappy clients. Find The Hardwood Co on Instagram here, Facebook here and Pinterest here.

photo: Emily Rose Photo

4. Do they provide timely, e mailed proposals from their business e mail address? Nothing irks me more than someone sending me a proposal from their gmail or even worse texting me a picture of a hand written proposal. If they haven't taken the time to put effort into setting up a professional e mail and have systems in place to get it to you when they say they will (cue: “oh i’ll have that to you tomorrow and then…..crickets) then I will more than likely look elsewhere.

photo: Emily Rose Photo

5. Talk to people who have used them before. There’s nothing like good old fashioned word of mouth. Did they do a good job? Did anything go wrong (no one is perfect)? If something went wrong how did they handle it? Did they keep commitments, show up when they said and stay on the timeline they said? How was the customer service? Could you get in touch with them? 

6. Do they have up-to-date branded vehicles and clothing? I don’t know about you, but I want to know who is in my house with my kids. I’m not saying this is a must but I’m much more likely to hire someone who has taken the time and made the investment in their business to brand themselves than Joe Schmo pulling up in his beat up white van with a tiny, faded “Joe Schmo” construction on the side.

photo: Emily Rose photo

7. Do they have a business phone or is it Joe Schmo and his one man show again? Did you call and get a voicemail that just states the number and hasn’t been customized for their business? Did you get a message that says “this mailbox is full” or “this mailbox hasn’t been set up yet?” GRRRRRR, RUN!!!!

8. When you call to set up an appointment do they say things like “well, give me a call next week and we’ll set something up” or “next time I’m in your area, I’ll give you a call” they won’t, believe me, they won’t, so just save your time and move on.

9. Do they have a contract? This is important. Having a contract means they have (again) put time into their business, have met with their attorney and are serious business owners.

photo: Shelley & Portugal

10. Do they have systems in place for payment schedules? You may not want to pay anything until the job is complete, but that is not how a professional works. Having systems in place like requiring a deposit to secure a date is professional and you want this! You do not want Joe Schmo again flying by the seat of his pants.

11. Do they give certain dates for your project and expect all parties involved to be ready when those dates arrive or do they say things like “I could probably get to it around….” Nope! Run! Again……RUN!

photo: Emily Rose Photo

12. And lastly, are they licensed and insured - this one is a no brainer but you’d be surprised how many contractors don’t have it or have let it lapse.

ready to start that hardwood floor project? Give us a call or shoot us an email and we’ll book your free consultation and measurement Appointment.

Jessica Dolan